Magnum Photos Event

Artist Talk 

Magnum Photos Now: The Journey 

Artist Talk 


Oct 2 - Oct 2 2017


Barbican Centre

Frobisher Auditorium 1

Silk Street

London, EC2Y 8DS

2 October 2017
Frobisher Auditorium 1
Barbican Centre, Silk Street

A great journey has long been regarded as an access point to creativity; to new experiences, places and people, and often to introspection and self-learning.

In this talk, writer, curator and artist Aaron Schuman joins Magnum photographers Matt Black and Antoine d'Agata in conversation, exploring the concept of the journey as a framework for visually responding to the world.

Tickets can be purchased <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>

This event is part of the <a href='' target='_blank'>Magnum Photos Now</a> talks programme at the Barbican Centre.