Magnum Photos Blog

European Host Families 

August 25, 2016 
by Bieke Depoorter 
21.3 million people have fled their home countries this past year with massive amounts making their way to Europe. Upon arrival, many refugees are unable to find work or are refused housing so end up living on the streets. While many Europeans have called for the closure of borders, some have done the opposite by offering to shelter people in their own homes. Motivated by compassion, a sense of responsibility, and anguish some do this thru charities while others act completely on their own. By far, Germany has accepted the most refugees, perhaps out of a sense of historic guilt.

<a href='' target='_blank'>CLICK HERE</a> to access the entire story edit.
<a href='' target='_blank'>CLICK HERE</a> to view MSNBC’s presentation of this story.