Magnum Photos Blog


October 29, 2014 
by Patrick Zachmann 
“This is about a journey, a journey through memories and exiles. A journey that spins and weaves all the destinies I stumble upon. The fate of the emigrants leaving their country south of the Mediterranean Sea in order to evade joblessness, boredom, the lack of a future, and the fate of the mothers who let them go away or realize that they’re gone.

Today, I’m starting the travel in reverse. I leave in search of my long-forgotten origins, of the missing images in my family photo album.” Patrick Zachmann.

As part of le Mois de la Photographie à Paris Magnum Gallery presents some sequences of « Mare Mater» , in partnership with the Musée Nicéphore de Chalon-sur-Saône.

Signature of the book « Mare Mater » the evening of November 7 2014.