Magnum Photos Blog

Guy Le Querrec: Big Foot 

November 3, 2017 
by Guy Le Querrec 
This Autumn, Galerie Le Bleu du Ciel will stage an exhibition of Guy Le Querrec’s Big Foot series.

In 1890, U.S cavalry troops destroyed a peaceful camp of the Sioux’s Big Foot tribe in South Dakota. The Lakota lost over 150 of the tribe, in what would later be known as the Wounded Knee Massacre. A condemned act of cruelty and abuse, that would stir up controversy for the U.S government.

In 1986, Lakota horseman paid their respects to their fallen ancestors and tracked their last steps. Over five years, they beared harsh Dakota winter and traced Big Foot’s path. Magnum photographer Guy le Querrec followed this heroic ride in the snowy Dakota mountains in 1990, on their last journey, a hundred years after the massacre.

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