Magnum Photos Blog

Where ideas are born 

March 27, 2018 
by Magnum Photographers 
Faces and places of creativity by Magnum photographers

Dove nascono le idee. Luoghi e volti del pensiero nelle foto Magnum

In its 9th edition, the Pistoia Dialoghi sull’uomo festival is themed on breaking the rules. To mark this, a group exhibition explores the places that creativity takes place in – the studios and ateliers where ideas are born.

The exhibition, which takes place inside the Palazzo Comunale in Pistoia, is composed of 40 images by Magnum photographers, portraying important intellectuals, famous artists and creatives that made 20th century history, all in their creative environment. It is a survey on the places and the delicate moments of the creative process.

25 May - 1 July 2018, sale affrescate, Palazzo Comunale, Pistoia, Italy

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