Magnum Photos Event

GET CLOSER: Robert Capa at 100 



For the 100 days between October 22nd -- Robert Capa’s 100th birthday -- and the opening of “Capa in Color” at the International Center of Photography in January, Magnum Photos and the <a href="" target="_blank">ICP</a> are asking photographers everywhere to <a href="" target="_blank">Get Closer</a>. Every day, we will post a Robert Capa image, a renowned photographer’s visual “response,” and then give the floor to you. Contribute your visual response(s) by uploading an image of yours on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and tagging it #GetCloser100.

The idea is to, over 100 days, create 100 organically-grown photographic threads, each born out of a Capa image -- think of it as a game of visual broken telephone. The hope is, of course, to engage photographers everywhere with Capa’s work for the 100 days between his 100th Birthday on October 22nd and the opening of “Capa in Color” at the ICP on January 30th. But the secondary goal is to <i>highlight social media as a tool capable of demonstrating the seminality of great photography</i>, the way inspiring images can be a catalyzing force for countless more that then hold similar powers.